Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Amazing Support System

We are blessed with an amazing support system.  Even before Caroline was born we were being blessed by them - surprise baby showers - diapers, cute outfits, bows; gifts; hand me downs or good deals; our babysitters even offered to come watch the boys (for free) after she was born to give me a break when I needed one.  During delivery, we were able to have family watch the boys so we knew they were in good care and didn't need to worry about them while we focused on her arrival (and visits post her arrival.)  We have been blessed by many friends/family with dinner so we don't have to think about what we're going to eat (with leftovers for lunches!)  While we are blessed with an amazing support system - I am blessed with an amazing partner.  I want to brag on my incredible husband for a few minutes.  I'm so lucky that he is able to take a few days off from work to help us transition to a family of 6. Which is even more appreciated because Caroline is not a fan of sleeping in her bed at night and the boys are semi-early risers so I can sleep a little later with her while Tim gets up with the boys. Who am I kidding?  He has done just about everything with/for the boys! He even got up and mowed (with the boys awake) before I even woke up because it was the first break in the rain for awhile. Sure, things may not be done the way I would do them or like them done, but he is running the house so I can just relax with Caroline and take it easy. (I tend to not be very good at that sometimes, but he makes it easy for me to "sit around.")
The boys are already big fans of daddy, but Caroline also is a big fan.  In the hospital, she fussed for me post-delivery; but once the nurse wrapped her up and handed her to daddy she settled right down.
 Daddy settles her :)

Again this was a time when she was fussing for me (and I was going to try to eat dinner) so Tim took her and sat with her on the couch and she snuggled down into him and settled right down.

The boys love sitting on daddy's lap and holding Caroline:
I love this pic of David and Caroline because it looks like she is putting her finger on his mouth - LOL. 

David was been a wonderful little helper with her also. Actually, all the boys have - they want to see where Caroline is and check on her as soon as she starts to fuss.  Andrew and David attempt to "Shh shh shh" her if I'm not right there because they've seen me calm her by doing that. 

(These two pictures were first thing the other morning.  I came downstairs and the first thing out of Thomas and David's mouths were that they wanted to hold Caroline.)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Caroline's Arrival

So I felt clueless about going into labor... which partly led to us almost having a baby at home or in the car :-P  (You would think by the fourth labor, I would have better insight, but I was induced with the boys (or on my way to the hospital to be induced when I progressed on my own) due to them being late.) 
It started earlier in the day at my routine doctor appointment, I was 39 weeks and 1 day.  Because of the gestational diabetes, they were talking about inducing a little bit early and because of insurance changes and needing to change hospitals July 1st they scheduled me to be induced on Friday evening. Each doctor I saw thought I might go fast, meaning around 3-4 hours, so they primarily work out of Memorial so recommended I stay with Memorial again if I am able to. The doctor stripped my membranes to see if we could get something going on my own before the scheduled induction. I went home and decided I should probably finish packing my bag for the hospital because I was going to be going in the next 72 hours regardless. Contractions started, but they were not super intense so I was trying to tidy up the house a little bit in case we were going to head to the hospital that night but thinking that was not likely to happen since I hadn't gone on my own in the past. Around dinner time I decided to start timing the contractions and they continued but weren't at the "lasting 1 minute, 5 minutes apart" threshold that warranted going to the hospital. Tim went to small group and I had a normal evening with the addition of contractions. When Tim got home from small group we went for a walk. The contractions were consistent and meeting the above threshold but they weren't very intense so I wasn't sure if I should go in or not. Tim had his parents come get the kids and decided we were going to go in. We got to the hospital about 10:30pm, I believe, and they hooked me up and then checked me. I was similar to what I had been at the doctor's office even though I had been having contractions throughout the evening so they said I could go home or I could walk for an hour or two and see if things progressed. So we decided to walk for an hour and check again. We got back to the triage room at 12:15 to get hooked back up and checked again. By this time, I had a nice pattern of contractions and they were about 3 minutes apart. But the most important part of contractions is progressing the cervix - which these were not doing. I was still just a 3, which was pretty much where I was pre- walking. So they sent me home - the nurse said to come back if anything seems different -- the contractions become more intense or just seem different or, of course, if my water broke. We went home, getting there probably around 1:30am, and I *tried* to get some rest. Laying down, the contractions continued and maybe got a little more intense, but had spread to about 7-8 minutes apart. (As I was laying there, I thought about my friends who go naturally and wondered how in the world they do this for so many hours.) So Tim said we should go back I said no because they are too far apart. So probably another half hour passed and I got up to go to the bathroom and being upright made the contractions way more intense and I realized they were about 3 minutes apart since standing. So I stopped arguing with Tim about going back in and he loaded the car back up. He texted his mom at 3:16a that we were leaving our house. As we were pulling out of the driveway I yelled for his hand as I was having a contraction but later he tried to give me his hand while I was having a contraction and I yelled at him to not touch me -- poor thing got yelled at quite a bit on the ride in. As we were driving, my water broke. At that point Tim knew she was coming soon, I was a little more skeptical. I just knew it hurt, but knew I was staying because my water broke. (Tim had thought ahead and put a towel on the seat before we left :)) Then it got really real when I realized I felt like I needed to push. At first I thought it was just needing to go to the bathroom because I couldn't possibly be a 10 already, but then the pain got more intense along with the need to push. Luckily there isn't much traffic that time of morning. We made it to the laboring mom parking (a wonderful idea!) and headed in. At first I told Tim not to go in ahead of me to get someone and then changed my mind to have him start to get me checked in. He asked me if I wanted a wheelchair or to walk - I said walk then wheelchair then "I don't know what I want." I did a lot of changing my mind! Since I had been in earlier I think that might have helped me be able to just head back to triage... my constant grunt yells and saying (probably yelling) I felt like I need to push might have also helped them rush me back to the triage room. I took off my shorts and climbed on the bed for the resident doctor to check me. I think I was still in denial because before he checked me the first thing I said was "I want an epidural if I still can" and the nurse said lets just see where you are (or something like that) and I said "I can't have one can I?" I'm still yelling I feel like I need to push, the nurse said that I could go ahead and push. She asked if my water broke and I yelled Yes at her and she said "okay, its okay" and so then I had to yell "Sorry" at her. I knew it wasn't coming out how I wanted it to, but I only was able to yell responses :-P The doctor said I was a 9 - in my head I knew I couldn't push until a 10 so I yelled "What do you want me to do? I feel like I need to push! What do you want me to do?!?" So she said - go ahead and push. I had heard of the "ring of fire" and it terrified me so I didn't want to push until I knew it was really time and I thought it wasn't time since I was a 9. But she said she was coming and I could push so I pushed a little and out she came, less than 5 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Born at 3:44am (and it typically takes 25-30 min to get to the hospital from our house.) The doc then asked if I still wanted that epidural and I let him know I thought I was okay :-) I think we had 3 or 4 nurses and 2 doctors in the triage room for her quick delivery. They pulled up my shirt and placed her on me and I just laid there stunned that it was already over. I hadn't slept since 6:45 the previous morning so between the excitement and disbelief that I actually just delivered her naturally I just laid there. After delivering the placenta, they wheeled my bed from triage over to the birthing suite to finish the delivery paperwork/post delivery process. Once I was in the birthing suite, my actual doctor walked in. He said "Sorry I missed all the action" My response: "Sorry I didn't wait for you"  :) Around 6:20 we got moved to our post-partum room -- You could order breakfast at 6:30 and I was starving so I decided to eat before we went to sleep... which of course took longer than anticipated for the food to be delivered, but worked out because we got to meet with the pediatrician before we went to sleep also. He walked in and said I hear we almost made the newspapers - we almost had a baby in the car. As a sidenote, we're really happy with our decision to go with Dr Horvath - he is such a sweet pediatrician! So around 8:30, we sent Caroline off to the nursery so we could get a little sleep after being up for 24 hours +.  Both of us could only sleep for about 2 hours though so we started our day. Now baby girl has a name and we're ready to start this new life as a family of 6 -- even before her due date and on her own! I said I would like to go naturally sometime, but could only do it if it was too fast to have an epidural... and that's exactly what happened. Kudos to my friends out there who choose to go naturally with long labors!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Advent Activities 2015

So I painted this canvas two Christmas' ago for an advent activity....

I've made my list each year... but never actually finished putting it into calendar form.  Maybe this year will be different :-P  Here's my list for this year...

1. Christmas Playdough (Still trying to find a good recipe :))
2. Felt Christmas Tree
3. Mail letter to Relative
6. Family Craft Night
7. Pick out our Christmas Tree
9. Mail Christmas Card to Injured Soldier
11. School Christmas Program
12. Take neighbors a gift
13. Donate Toy to Toys for Tots
14. Church Christmas Program
15. Make Christmas Cookies
16. Take Cookies to Fire/Police
17. Ribbon Tree Craft
18. Handprint/Footprint Craft (Still need to figure out what I want to do for this one) 
19. Cookies with Cousins
21. Family Game Night
22. Random Act of Kindness
23. Look at Christmas Lights (write letter to the best we see)
24. Christmas at Grandma & Grandpas

I'm hoping to get it into business card size format soon and then laminate it... but I still have to figure out how to arrange the clothespins... Maybe I should go buy smaller clothespins...

On the upside, my boys can't read yet so if it doesn't work out, I can change it if needed :)  I have two back up ideas -- Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses and Dance Party: Christmas Music Style

I also really like this idea of a Blessings Advent Jar, but I'm not sure the boys will quite get it yet.  So maybe we'll do this in future years also :)

Do you do anything annually for the Christmas season?  I better get finished organizing this -- December starts next week!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Tis the Season.... for seasonal work :-P

I am working part-time seasonally at JoAnn Fabric this year.  I am excited for it, but nervous too :-P  I am just starting tonight and probably the busiest weekend is next weekend! :-o  Plus figuring out scheduling and coordinating all the different Christmas activities... a little nerve-wracking to hope I don't miss asking for something off... 
 I am glad I decided to apply to JoAnn's - it makes me think of my mom.  We went to JoAnn's quite a bit - Black Friday deals, fabric for sewing, I even have a few totes from JoAnn's that I took from my mom's house.  She would probably love me working there!  Speaking of my mom - the two year anniversary of her death came and went this week with the only acknowledgement of it was me commenting on my sisters facebook status....This makes me sad, but I also am not sure what I should do to honor her memory on that day.  I obviously think of her throughout the year and definitely try to honor her with certain activities,  still eating Black Eyed Peas on New Year's Day for example :-P  (She was adamant that we had to eat at least one black eyed pea on New Year's Day... a southern tradition about prosperity or something?  I don't know - but it was/is a tradition, which Tim humors me and eats ONE black eyed pea :-P  At least until this past year, it didn't happen in 2014-- they were bought, but just didn't get fixed :-/  We'll make sure to do it in 2015 though.)  I'll have to think about what I could do on November 18th to honor her memory.  Maybe do a Random Act of Kindness on that day.... maybe related to crafting/sewing?  I'm not sure, I'll have to think about this and what I could do. 
Back to my original thought of today being my first day working at JoAnn's -- I have to chuckle at myself because I am wearing the exact same "uniform" as my first job 14 years ago :-P  (Obviously not the same clothes, but the same thing - if that makes sense.)  My first job was at Kessel's and was black pants and a white polo shirt... I have to wear a white collared shirt at JoAnn's and I bought a white polo (since it was cheaper :-P) and either khaki's, navy blue or black pants, or nice jeans... I will probably wear jeans quite a bit but I figured for my first day I would wear black pants.  After I made the decision of black pants and the white polo - I had a flashback to my Kessel days and chuckled.   I wonder if I still have any pics from my Kessel's days, I'm sure I do somewhere - maybe I will have to dig those up (or maybe my friend Tara still has some around somewhere :-P)  I was going to have Andrew take a picture, but my little photographers (both Andrew and David tried) were not getting flattering angles :-P

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Memorial Service & our due date

  In my previous post, I told about my experience with our miscarriage. Something I was uncertain about was what would happen to the baby after delivery. I didn't want the baby to just be thrown out like trash, but I also wasn't sure I wanted to necessarily have a funeral for him. Luckily, Palmer Funeral Home and SouthLawn offer a wonderful service for families like us. And they provide it for free! They bury the babies of all the families in an annual vault. Then they do a quarterly memorial service.

  It was a nice memorial service on a beautiful sunny day. They really do a wonderful with the service. They do a responsive reading/prayer and then list the names of the babies. They gave each family a carnation to put on the grave and a candle to keep for remembrance. I was hoping to not be the first person called, which we weren't, but they weren't at the memorial service... So we were the first to lay our carnations on the grave.

   This past week would have been our due date so I visited the cemetery again.  I put a little white flower on the grave.  I wanted to acknowledge this day in some way, but I wasn't exactly sure how.  I liked the innocence of the white, so that is what I went with.
(The other items are from other families; some I recognized from the memorial service.)
It was heartbreaking to see crosses with different first names, but the same last name by the 2012 and 2013 memorials.

  At this point, almost five months removed from the miscarriage, I'd say we do pretty good most of the time. Of course we have our sad and down moments, but having the three boys keeping us busy and making us keep moving forward, we ARE able to keep moving forward. I probably think of it most when I wonder if we will get pregnant again. (The boys are 2 years apart and then 17 months apart and T will be 2 next month...) Maybe we will get pregnant again and maybe we won't, but we're hoping we will. We'll definitely need lots of prayers if we do because I'm sure we'll be nervous the whole time!
   I've heard a lot of talk about why are we so secret about miscarriage, including losses that occur early in the pregnancy. Having been through a "public" miscarriage, we probably will share early if we do get pregnant again -- mainly for the prayer support. :) Nobody wants to share about miscarriage, but it unfortunately does happen quite often and having others support you through it is definitely helpful.

The two circles at the top right were his "boy baby" and "girl baby"
   I will say this about getting pregnant again, A has baby fever and talks about us having another baby. Just the other day he asked when we were going to have another baby; before that, he asked if he'd get a sister next time, I told him that was up to God. When I was pregnant, he drew a picture of two babies and said I was having a boy and a girl - so maybe he was being prophetic for a future pregnancy -- I have always wanted twins :-P

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Our miscarriage experience

As I mourned a friend's loss a couple weeks ago and then had my due date come and pass, I felt like I should share the birth of our fourth son.  (And as I was getting ready to publish this, a friend posted that it was Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness month so what better time than now.)  When I was going through it, it was a help to me to know that others had been through it and maybe this blog post can be someone else's reassurance that they are not alone.  There may be some parts that you might think are TMI or maybe info glossed over too quickly, ignore the TMI and ask questions if you're curious about anything you feel was glossed over :)

Typically I wouldn't take the boys with me to a doctor's appointment - they are too rambunctious and I get too stressed about it, but we were going to go to Ag days after my appointment and I wanted to get that in before naptime and it was supposed to just be a quick visit... so off to the doctor I went with all three boys in tow (without the stroller.)  I had been feeling completely fine and was almost 17 weeks so I wasn't quite feeling kicks yet (I feel like I always feel them later than most) but was out of the morning sickness stage.  We didn't have to wait a super long time for the doctor so I thought we were doing pretty good.  Then, the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat right away.  I wasn't starting to panic yet because at my last appointment they had trouble and had to listen lower and then found it just fine.  However, I'm finding out D is really sensitive to things and he started to get scared/upset.  I can still remember the panicked look on his face, so I'm trying to tell him its okay while I start to have thoughts in my head that maybe its not okay.... So they take me over to the ultrasound room and again D was not happy about walking into the room (it was dark and A started joining him in not wanting to walk in the room) but we were able to get them in the room and I sit down for her to start rubbing the wand over my stomach.  Unfortunately there was no heartbeat and based on the size, the baby had stopped growing around 14 weeks. I wasn't completely able to process everything since I had the boys, but they told me I would have to deliver the baby since I was farther along than when you could do a D&C.  This was on a Friday so I could choose to go to the hospital that day or I could wait until Monday.  (Since I wasn't having any discomfort, I could wait and go on Monday, but would have to go asap if I did start having discomfort.)  This was about 11am and I just needed to let them know by 1pm if I wanted to go to the hospital today.  So I headed out to go home to process this with Tim, and of course D wouldn't walk so I had T on one hip, diaper bag, purse and carrying D too. I remember the ultrasound tech saying "You can't do that" and me saying something like "Sure, I have to do it quite often" and thinking "I can't hurt the baby now, whats the difference?"
So I met Tim at home and we decided to just go to the hospital that day, there was no reason to wait and the fear of if something might happen (and when) made us not really want to go through the next couple days of even more uncertainty.  So Tim's mom came and got the boys and we got ready to head to the hospital.  We arrived at the L&D floor and they were ready for us. We had a great nurse and she was training someone else on how to deal with these situations - we had a few tears and even a few laughs.  My OB that was on call came and checked on me and he was great too -- reassuring us that sometimes we don't know the reason, but that it was nothing that we did.  We did have a resident doc who wasn't great, but my nurse was on it and pretty much ushered him out before he could be too insensitive.  One thing that was great that she said was "You try to think if you did anything to cause this, but you didn't." and I had been thinking - what did I do 2.5 weeks ago that could have caused this, so it was good to know it was normal to have those thoughts, but that they need to be pushed aside because there isn't anything you did.
One thing that I was super confused about was they kept saying I could get any sort of pain management I would like, including an epidural.  I kept wondering is it going to get that painful?  I am pretty wimpy in my births and get the epidural pretty much as soon as I can.  With T, I was only about a 2.5 and got it, but his birth did progress pretty fast so that is probably why the pain was so intense so "early."  I also didn't know how long this process would be, would I be there a few hours? overnight? a few days?  Pretty much like any other birth, how long and how painful it is will vary from person to person.  I went in hoping to just be a few hours but found it would probably take until Saturday, hopefully we'd be able to go home in the afternoon. (I did have some insight since my sister is an OB nurse, but I can't even remember what I asked her. I remember standing in the sunshine while the boys played in the driveway, but I can't remember what I thought to ask her and what questions came up after we were at the hospital. But really, she could only give me so much information since every situation is slightly different.)
I was induced with A starting the night before with cervadil so I had some concept of how this delivery would be induced. After getting hooked up with the IV and all set, the doctor placed a medicine (I can't remember what this time) on my cervix to get it to soften and dilate. The longer you lay flat, the longer it has to work without risk of falling out.  So I laid flat for at least an hour after every dose. I could eat and drink, walk around, etc. We don't have cable/satellite anymore so I watched American Pickers and other cable shows to pass the time. I got my last dose of the evening around 10pm I believe and they were going to go 6 or 8 hours between doses instead of 4 to allow for us to get some sleep.  I went to sleep and then woke up having to go to the bathroom; it had been over an hour so I let myself get up to go.  The tub in the toilet is not just for measuring your fluid outtake, but it also catches things.  As much as I hate to say it, I know it catches things because it caught our baby.  I wasn't anticipating delivering yet, and the nurses had speculated that it would probably be the following morning and the pain had only been uncomfortable so far so I was surprised when it happened.  The nurses said that is what the container is there for so you don't deliver in the toilet, so as "embarrassing" as it is, it happens and I want someone else who might have it happen to them know that it happened to me. So I yelled to Tim and he called the nurse and they took the baby to wrap it up and me back to the bed to deliver the placenta.  This was probably the most painful/long process, but we had a great resident doc who chatted the whole time (her father was an OB in the military and she was one of six) and massaged my abdomen to make it go smoothly.  They wrapped the baby up and asked us if we wanted to hold it; I did and when I rubbed its tiny cheek it was cold and I decided I couldn't touch it, but I did hold it for a short time.  We asked if they could tell the gender and they were pretty sure it was a boy.  My OB doc came in to check on me and look at the baby and said there were no obvious deformities that would have caused the miscarriage. There are tests that could be run on the baby or myself to possibly help determine a cause but they can be expensive and can be inconclusive much of the time.  We could do blood tests if we'd like, but it would have to wait a few months for my hormones to regulate.  At my post-delivery appointment, I did get the forms for the blood tests, but they are still hanging on our fridge.  I could still choose to get them if we want, but we've decided at this time not to investigate further and hope it was a fluke miscarriage.  If it happens again, we will definitely look into testing. If we get pregnant again, they will have me take a baby aspirin, extra folic acid and I believe progesterone to try to eliminate anything that could cause the miscarriage.
Overall, the process went smooth for what we had to do.  We had a wonderful care team.  Since it was the middle of the night, we could get some sleep and get discharged the following day or we could push the discharge through and head home. We decided to head home to our own bed, but didn't realize how long the discharge process would still take so I think we got home around 3am.  Luckily, family had the boys and we were able to rest on Saturday and the boys still got to go to Ag days with their Uncle Josh, Aunt Jamie and cousins and then head to a birthday party.  We talked a little bit with the boys about losing the baby - fortunately or unfortunately they are somewhat familiar with death.  Since A was born, we've lost dogs, a cat, my mom, great grandmas, and a baby.  We were blessed over the following days and weeks with meals, starbucks for me, giftcards for restaurants and kind cards. The giftcards were good for the dates the doctor suggested at my post-delivery appointment. :)

We left the hospital with a little memory box that others who have lost a baby put together for us. It included a note from others, a note from our nurses, a blanket, a candle and some bears (which I recognized the name on some of the items.) I have also put my ultrasound pics, the kind cards that were sent and the memorial information in it.  So its a keepsake box that I can pull out whenever I need to remember we were blessed with a fourth, who just couldn't stay here on earth with us. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

So I started a blog...

So I started a blog and have no idea what I am doing :-P  I've been wanting to start blogging (or rather go back to blogging?  I had a Xanga blog years and years ago) for a few months now and finally sat down to create a blog.  I think I'm a little too winded for facebook status' sometimes :-P Sometimes people say I am a good writer and have witty things to share, so hopefully this blog won't be ridiculously terrible :-P  (Apparently I make a lot of pre-emoticon faces too...)
   To be honest, I have no idea which direction this blog is going to go -- it will probably include a lot of what the boys do/say, meals we've eaten, deals I've found and just random thoughts of mine. 

There is so much for me to learn about blogging - I better get on that (ha - who am I kidding, I'll plug along until Tim helps me figure something out :-P)  Anyone have any tips for me? :)